One thought on “‘Trendy Secretaries by Day, Perverse Bitches By Night’

  1. ‘short-fingered vulgarian’ is a stroke of genius–still hurts after all those years. yet only sticks and stones seem to break his bones, you’d probably need a zinger of that calibre per month to wear him down. joe sixpack will find it off-putting, something only a loathsome poof could come up with. he will feel that he’s meant, too, so it rather will induce solidarity with the butt of the joke. to the smart-set it’s brilliant, but they wouldn’t vote for him anyway.

    reminds me of bernd zeller calling lovely* margot käßmann a gottesanbeterin.** unless there’s a relentless barrage of caricatures depicting her as such for months her public persona (and her butt) won’t be hurt. unlikely, alas.

    * multiply nauseating, really–she’s a threesome of hell, rubs you *all* the wrong ways

    ** cf the “Beschreibung”


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